
Friday, February 12, 2021



                STREET, AND IN YOUR CHURCH


          This is our third week talking about stewardship practices. We started with writing thank you notes to donors and asking people they like about your church and listening to the answers. This week, we’re going to talk about talking.

          So, from writing, to listening, to talking. But not just talking for the sense of talking, but telling stories of transformation, of lives impacted, Tell those stories over and over and over again.

          When I was young, I used to like to listen to stories read to me from books, and to hear stories about my parents and grandparents, where they’d share what it was like to be a kid “back in the day”.  Did you like to listen to stories too?

          Everyone does. Every one of us has stories to share, and every one of our churches has stories to share of how lives have been changed by the ministries of your church!

          We have to tell those stories. Why? Not just for the sake of talking, but because we are able to tell those stories. Those stories happened; those lives were impacted; ministry flourished...because of the generosity of past generations and of us!

          Every time we ell a story, we should also say thank you. The story happened because of you. Giving to my church = lives changed and transformed. That is something to be proud of.

          Don’t wait until “pledge time,” and don’t just tell the stories once in a while. Do it at least monthly. And don’t keep repeating the same story. Tell new stories. Lives should be being impacted and transformed and changed EVERY DAY because of what God is doing through you and in you and despite you, in your church!

          You can share stories in your newsletters, in emails, form the pulpit, during announcements, on bulletin boards, on Facebook---so many ways. Just like you shouldn’t focus on just one story, don’t focus on only one way of communicating. Different people learn differently. Different people hear differently.


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