Did that title get your attention? Maybe you’re thinking
that I’m going to share in about a page and half the golden ticket that will
help your church survive and thrive during and after a pandemic, and make
everything “all better”? Am I right?
Well, keep reading, and see what I’ve got to say.
All of us need to strengthen our church’s finances. How do
we do that?
Be bold about sharing what
your church is doing to help people in the church and your community. What are
you doing now? Just because our church buildings may be closed or we may have
fewer people in the building, we are still the church! Maybe you’re feeding
people; maybe you’re teaching people; maybe you’re counseling people; maybe you’re
helping people, or maybe you’re…. Fill in the blank and then be BOLD about
sharing with others what you’re doing
Be able to receive gifts and
offerings online. Make it as easy as possible for people to give. Some people
are still sending you checks that’s okay. But have some people stopped giving,
or have some stopped giving regularly because they’re not in a pew and they’re
not seeing those offering plates or baskets? Have a way to give on smart
phones, or on your website, or a link on Facebook. There are so many ways to do
this. Don’t make it hard for folks to give!
Be honest about
how the church is doing. No one is going to be surprised if giving is down; but
share how you’re managing what you do have wisely. Don’t just continue using
funds the way you always have; look at your spending plans; look at your reality,
and make the change or changes that you need to make to use those monies well,
and then let people know how you’re doing.
Be bold (yes, I know, I
already said that), but it bears repeating. Be bold. If you ask someone and
they say no, then they’ve said no. But if you ask, and explain HOW you’re going
to use their gifts and show WHAT you’ve already done, then they may say Yes!
But…if you don’t even ask, then it’s as good as telling them that their gift
isn’t important, and we’re not going to even spend the time to talk with them
and ask them. Sorry that you can't just check a box or buy a book; but, together, we can make a difference in our churches and in our communities!
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