
Thursday, April 15, 2021


                        GIVING AS A HEART ISSUE

           Too often, we focus on giving as a wallet issue, or a financial issue, or a head issue. But I don’t think it is any of those things, and I don’t think spending is either.

          As an accountant, my nature would probably be to make sure everything is balanced, and enough is set aside for emergencies, and I have budgeted properly so that bills are paid timely, and there is an emergency fund available. Not that there’s anything wrong with any of those thoughts. However, that is very much a head and wallet thinking.

          And…if all I do is focus on my checkbook and earning more and keeping more, I cut my heart out of the entire prospect. Giving falls to the wayside, and I focus only on myself and MY needs and MY wants and MY spending.

          Churches can do the same thing. I cannot tell you how many finance meetings I have sat in where the entire discussion is focused on trying to determine how to increase income and decrease costs, and being worried about having spent too much for something that wasn’t in the budget. Both the church’s budget and its spending start to focus only on the church and its members and THEIR needs and THEIR wants and THEIR spending.

          If we are disciples of Jesus and are truly focused on making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, then we cannot stay focused on ourselves or even on our church. Our giving and our spending must, instead, be focused on advancing God’s kingdom in meaningful ways (and it probably isn’t making sure the people in the pews are comfortable and happy, or that more funds are spent on making the building pretty then in making disciples.)

          An article I just read by Jim Sheppard of Generis says that “when a church focuses on developing its community and its leadership around using money wisely, thoughtfully, and impactfully, then God’s kingdom advances in meaningful ways.”

          There are many ways we can change our focus and our church’s focus and make our giving and spending heart issues. Stay tuned for the next blog!

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