Earlier in the year, I shared information
about fall stewardship campaigns and how important they are, and how work
should be started well before the fall. I wanted to also share information
about how our stewardship work cannot stop there. We must “do stewardship”
That is not to say that every week,
you’ll get in front of the congregation and ask for money. Stewardship is so
much more than money. It is includes time, talents, worship, and service. Also,
different voices are important to be heard. How often do our fall campaigns
include the same voices again and again. It may be the finance chair or the
treasurer or the pastor or someone else that is willing to get up in front of
the congregation and speak. And I am not saying to stop that, but I am saying
other voices need to be heard as well. Those voices could be a youth, a Sunday
School teacher, a choir member, someone who went on a mission trip. The list
goes on and on.
In much of the information I subscribe
to and read, year-round stewardship calendars are included. I am going to spend
my next few blogs working through the year. Stewardship does not end when the fall
campaign is over.
So how should you start your “stewardship
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annual giving statements are mailed with a cover letter expressing thanks and
how their generosity enabled ministry to happen. This is the letter that is
required by the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. While it has a secular
purpose, use the paper to thank your folks!
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at your budget and start discussing short-term and long-term plans and goals.
This includes your finance people but should include others. Our mission and
ministry should never be handicapper by money!
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a calendar and start scheduling monthly ministry moments or stories. These
would be short, maybe three to five minutes each. Start out monthly if this is
something you haven’t done before. Tell the story. Communicate and inspire.
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your first ministry moment during worship.
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watching the “Wesley and Giving” videos from UMC Giving. Start with your
financial people watching this video and discuss it. Should others be invited
to watch?
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you haven’t done a narrative budget before, start researching narrative budgets
and how you could do this. If you have done one, put your current year’s
narrative budget together and send it out to your folks.
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your policies and procedures, including accounting and financial, endowment and
gift acceptance policies. If you don’t have any, start working on this.
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a newsletter article, talking about a ministry that has happened because of the
generosity of your church. Include pictures.
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scheduling workshops, including personal financial worships or estate planning
and planned giving workshop.
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the church website and Facebook pages for how money is talked about and what
resources are provided.
I know it seems like a lot of work,
but start working on some of these items now. It doesn’t all have to be done by
one person, but stewardship and everything that is part of that must be
celebrated throughout the year.
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