As some of you know, I am the
Director of Stewardship for the Upper New York Conference of the United
Methodist Church. As part of that appointment, I have been working on offering
a Stewardship Academy. It will be four sessions, three of which will be via
Zoom. They will be on Saturdays, starting April 23rd, from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Topics covered will include Theology
of Stewardship, Generosity Audits, Finance Analysis, Narrative Budgets, and
Giving in the Local Church.
There will be a hands-on project,
and is available for CEU for clergy and lay servant credit for laity. There are
a number of readings suggested and other resources that we will be using.
Copies of Power Point
slides/outlines will be provided as part of the cost of $300.
I hope you will consider
participating, or letting someone know that you think might benefit.
This is an opportunity to read and
learn about stewardship and all that it entails.
A brochure is available. At the
bottom is a flyer of information.
If you’re interested in
participating, please feel free to email me (susanranous@unyumc.org) or call me (315-427-3668) for more
information or to register.
Upper New York Stewardship Academy 2022:
April 23 May 21 June 18 July 16 10am – 3pm Sessions
1-3 via Zoom If interested, contact Rev. Ranous at susanranous@unyumc.org or (315)
427-3668 |
clergy and laity (those passionate about stewardship) cost $300 per person Why attend? To read and learn about stewardship and all it entails. Topics include
Theology of Stewardship, Financial Campaigns, Generosity, Reports and Narrative
Budgets Facilitator Rev. Susan Ranous, Director of Christian Stewardship for the Upper New
York Conference |
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