
Tuesday, June 28, 2022


                      WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO GIVE?

            I was reading an article the other day and I was struck by the phrase: “if you want people to give, the last thing to do is to seek their giving.”[1] Instead, Matthew 6:33: seek first the kingdom.

            When we “do” stewardship and ask for financial support, we always ask for people to prayerfully consider what they are able to give. Problem is this article goes on to say that people don’t give out of what they have but out of what they feel they have. It all hinges on the feeling of security or lack thereof.

            So, when we start our discussions of giving with the words “we need”, then that upsets folks’ internal sense of security.

            I have to admit, I’m not sure how good I am at this. I do try to discuss giving to God, instead of giving to the church, and that giving changes lives. Also, God has given us enough, but the article says we need to focus on:

  • ·         God’s provision for our lives is enough
  • ·         We must preach this with conviction

            When we are happy, we are happy to give. 

           When we have enough, we are happy to share. 

           When we believe in God’s provision, we know that we have a loving provider.

            Share your story of God’s provision in our life, and others will feel that in their own lives as well.


Please feel free to contact me at (315) 427-3668 or

[1] Giving, published by Ecumenical Stewardship Center, 2006, page 36.

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