
Wednesday, August 9, 2023



                                                SPIRITUAL MATURITY


            Last week my discussion was focused on customizing the approach to discipleship[1] based on life stages. This week, let’s continue talking about customizing teaching styles for different individual’ life stages. This time we’ll talk about spiritual maturity.

            Last week, we basically talked about age; this week, while it may sound similar, it can be quite different. This week, instead of age, it’ll be spiritual maturity. Spiritual maturity isn’t always based on age.

Each of us needs to look at where we are personally, but also where our folks are at. We’ll find that everyone is a little different. Is their spiritual maturity low, medium or high in:

·         Becoming a follower of Jesus

·         Developing a theological foundation with basic practical application

·         Embracing intentional generosity, with a solid, biblical foundation in generosity.

·         Growing in obedience (including planning to pay off debt)

·         Using God’s blessings for kingdom building and relationship

·         Discipling others in stewardship

·         Practicing radical generosity, with a goal of glorifying God.


            Looking back over this list can seem daunting. But did you notice that none of those items talked about writing checks or paying bills. Every item was totally focused on biblical foundations, theology, obedience to God, radical generosity. Also, all of it is aimed toward glorifying God, not ourselves.

            I think one of the best ways to start with this list is to start with ourselves. Where do you fall in each of these areas. How do you know? What are the things that you can work on for each item. Once you’ve worked through it for yourself, it will be somewhat easier to create a diagram or picture of what each of those items looks like and how to model it for others, and help others in their own path of spiritual maturity.

            All of this is about stewardship, yes, but also about discipleship. What does it mean for you personally, and what can it mean for your church?

            Next week we’ll continue this conversation about customization.


            If you wish more information on this, or would like to discuss stewardship and its relationship with discipleship, please feel free to contact me at (315) 427-3668 or I’d be happy to help.

[1] Stewardship Education that Builds Disciples, Furlong, Jessica and Dick, Don (Christian Stewardship Network),

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