
Wednesday, January 3, 2024




            In continuing my reading of the booklet put out by VANCO, titled The Complete Guide to Church Stewardship, I read about the seventh of eight rules for effective church leadership: Communicate

            There are multiple ways to communicate and different reasons to communicate. I would strongly suggest to plan and coordinate an effective strategy to communicate. Keep in mind that communication about stewardship is not about “hounding” someone for money.

            Ways to communicate can include social media (Facebook, website, etc.); quarterly giving statements, stories in the bulletin or newsletter or on the website about how their gifts have made a difference.

            Even new people, who may not be familiar with giving, can hear about what the church is doing and how gifts are used. Asking someone to “give what they can” can encourage them and let them know that every little bit helps and they are a part of the mission.

            Be transparent, be specific, be clear about the financial goals of the church. You don’t have to be tedious about details. A simplified statement, or tri-fold or narrative budget can be provided to anyone. A detailed budget (or ministry spending plan) can certainly be made available for anyone who requests it.

            Follow up on all pledge commitments, no matter how large or how small. Thank your givers!



            If you wish more information on anything you’ve been reading about, please feel free to contact me at (315) 427-3668 or or  I’d be happy to help or answer any questions.

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