
Thursday, March 21, 2024




            For the fourth week sharing about the VANCO stewardship booklet on the 11 Ways to support stewardship for your church. This week, we are discussing Online Giving. For many of us, online giving wasn’t a “thing” until COVID, and it was one of the limited ways people could easily continue to give.


There are multiple ways to “do” online giving:

      Online Giving Pages – This is often done through the church’s website. It should be as easy as the click of a button. Not only does this make it easier to give, but, if set up well, it will also provide a list of funds available for giving. Pictures and the story behind each fund is helpful for those who may not be familiar with the different funds that the church has. Two thing I hope you take away from this, if nothing else, is (a) give information about what people are giving to. Telling the stories is motivating to givers! (b) make it as easy as possible to give online. If people have to search on how to give and where to click, they may give up.

      Mobile app giving – This is an app givers have downloaded onto their phone. I don’t know about you, but my phone is usually with me. If I am sitting at church or worshipping virtually, or hear about something that a church is doing, or lives being changed because of the church, I want to be able to give that gift right away. An online app is a good way to do that. Many apps have other information as well, including calendars, etc. Having a QR code available in every pew or in the bulletin or posted in the chat/message box of online worship can make it even easier for those who haven’t downloaded the app!

      Text Giving – This is quick and easy (just like a QR code). Someone texts a 5 or 6 digit code and the giving is that easy!

      Review what you have currently for online giving and how it is set up. Can people access it easily and give easily? Test it! Are you providing enough information for people to text, or download apps or understand online giving? Are you utilizing all of the parts of your online giving program so that you are getting the most out of it, as well as your people getting the most out of it?

Test your online giving if you have it or set it up if you do not!!

            If you wish more information on anything you’ve been reading about, please feel free to contact me at (315) 427-3668 or or  I’d be happy to help or answer any questions.

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