A stewardship plan is a detailed
outline of a nonprofit organization’s processes and strategies to keep donors
engaged by showing them their impact and building long-lasting relationships.
This is different from an annual four or six week stewardship program. There
are several components that will help you form this.
First, is an Annual Goal. Is the
goal to increase giving, or to build a new roof on the building, or something
else? This goal will help you focus on what you are aiming for.
Second, is the Budget. This
is also called a Spending Plan. What kind of revenue (offerings and
other financial contributions) are you anticipating? Make a list of ALL of your
operational costs, including salaries and benefits, insurance, programs, etc.
Costs are usually a little easier to estimate and plan for. The revenue is
harder. Look back over the last five years for:
increases and decreases in giving
in giving within each year
increases and decreases in attendance
there months that typically have decreased giving? Increased giving?
events or fundraisers brought in the most revenue?
Third, what are the works of the
church? Vanco calls them Ministry Spotlights. As a church, our
focus shouldn’t be on keeping the lights on (although that can be important).
What it needs to be focused on are how what you do changes lives. What are the
good works that you’re doing?
Fourth, what are your Programs and
Events that contribute to revenue and to your ministry plans? Of course,
most of them take financial support, but if done well, can pay for themselves
and bring in revenue. Even more important, programs and events can bring in visitors,
that can become members that can become disciples!
are Outreach Opportunities. How does the church reach out into the
community to help others, to demonstrate discipleship or achieve your goals and
missions? These can be tutoring, feeding, housing, mission trips, and many
other wages. What are your doing to reach out to others?
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