How have you experienced giving in
either your local church or other churches? For me, I’ve experienced the
passing of the plate, a basket at the back of the sanctuary, online QR codes
or, sometimes, nothing at all.
Did you know that the original offering
in churches was about money? It was about offering of self. Why? Because churches
were supported by the government.
When we talk about the offering,
sometimes we feel guilty, sometimes we barely mention it; often the music
played during the offering is almost funeral-ish – after all people are giving
up their money! It’s a sad time.
Giving to the church, i.e. giving to
God THROUGH the church isn’t like paying a bill or paying tax. We are
worshipping God through our offering. Part of this should not include telling
visitors that they aren’t required to pay; only members are.
In the United Methodist Church, when
we become members of a local congregation, we promise “to support The United
Methodist Church; and to uphold the local congregation with one's prayers,
presence, gifts, service, and witness.”
We need to worship God. Giving is as
important as music, scripture, the message and prayers. It is not a bill; it
isn’t about obeying a law, but it is about needing to give back to God because of
the grace we have received from God.
Once we recognize the importance of
giving, not the importance of the church to receive money because it has “needs”,
but the need of the giver to give, we have some other hurdles to get over.
Often offering times can be awkward. There’s a spontaneous prayer and we all
hope that time goes by quickly. Sometimes the pastor advises the congregation
that the ushers will be by to take the offering. What take? The congregation is
giving! The ushers should be receiving. And we need to reinforce each time why
people are giving.
What happens when people only give
once a month (because they’re paid monthly, maybe)? What happens when people
give electronically? That plate gets passed every week. I encourage attendance cards
or even a card that can be dropped in the plate that says “I give
electronically.” It might be a pretty good way to let others know then can give
So, when we consider our offering
time, we need to remember:
Our Giving is to God; it’s not to the
church. It is done through the church. Therefore, giving to a sacred and
holy act of worship worthy of an honored place in our corporate worship
Our Giving is an Act of Worship; OR maybe it’s the central
part of worship (or it should be). Throughout the Bible are stories of people
coming to worship God with offerings in hand. Don’t get rid of the offering but
redefine and redesign it to make it something that people look forward to and
enjoy and celebrate – believers and guests alike.
Our Giving is to be a Celebration. Have you ever seen a
video on youtube or somewhere else where the offering is danced up the aisle?
It’s an exciting and major part of the service.” That’s as it should be because
giving is intended to be an exciting act of worship, a celebration of our love
for Him and His love for us. Gifts are being made to the Lord.
Consider these things:
time should be a big deal
be apologetic
about the importance of giving
there be personal testimonies of those who have been blessed BY giving or BY
lively music, great singing, heartfelt prayers
it a time of celebration!
I encourage you to let giving and generosity be
the cornerstone of your theology and the theology of your churches and congregations!
If you wish more information on anything
you’ve been reading about, please feel free to contact me at (315) 427-3668 or I’d be happy to help.
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